Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Wisconsin, Do Not Push Me!

I apologize profusely to those who are waiting to hear about how the Wisconsin train journey ended. I am buried in a major freelance writing project right now -- you know, the kind where they actually pay you money -- so it will be another week or two, most likely, before we return to the scene of the Ollie North auto theft crime, as promised. However, just so you know I haven't forgotten my dear readers or the state of Wisconsin entirely (I would never!), here is a little taste of what happened this past weekend when I actually managed to get STRANDED IN WISCONSIN (as opposed to the train trip, wherein I can't seem to make it there in the first place). Here's the summary from my personal blog on Myspace, where you are welcome to keep up with me too, so long as you don't mind the updates being less essay-like:

I still love you, Wisconsin.

We have an interesting history, Wisconsin and me: Band tour. Train adventure. And now . . . car accident that leads to gig-missing, rural-stranding, and (of course!) total awesomeness. Props to Garrett, Melanie, and Steve for playing the show in Madison with two members of the Hidden Mitten actually hidden. And props to my Mitten bandmate Mike Flavor for not killing me/us (or the gear!) and for understanding that when one gets stuck in Janesville, Wisconsin, one grins, bears it, and gets out the guitars to learn new songs in the hotel room. That is, when one is not drinking at a bar with 12 letters and zero vowels (or lowercase letters) in its name. And not commandeering the jukebox in the name of Metallica and Led Zepplin. And, of course, not buying disposable cameras to take photos of cupcake trucks, ludicrous public signage, and one's triumphant, karaoke-soundtracked return to Chicago. These are not attractive photos of me -- I am tired and dazed and I really don't care. I was stuck in a snowstorm in Bumblefuck, people! And I persevered! Near-death by 18-wheeler has never been so tolerably fabulous.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paid? To write? What's this crazy dream world yo livin' in?