Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Adventures in imagination

I know yesterday's post was heavy, so today I present some Fun Silly Awesomeness courtesy of the first grade authors I taught today. We wrote the story below as a class and then each kid got to write his or her own ending. I'll be back tomorrow with a sampling of the AMAZING endings they wrote. In the meantime, here's wishing you "plantinum google" moments of happiness.



Once upon a time on the planet Scripton there lived a tiger-turtle named Whanch Rary and his best friend Squoosh the Ball. Squoosh was a walking, talking ball who loved to slide down the branches of the jungle trees. Whanch Rary was ten years old and every day he dreamed of walking to New York.

One day, they decided to go on a long walk through the jungles of Scripton. "Where do you want to go?" Whanch asked Squoosh. "I've always dreamed of going to New York," Squoosh said. Whanch's eyes popped out and his mouth popped open. "Wow! That's my dream, too!"

The two best friends skipped along through the jungle, taking breaks so Squoosh could slide on the branches. When they got hungry, they stopped and picked bananas, chocolate chip cookies, ice cream sundaes, and glink-fruit. Glink-fruit is a magical fruit that comes in a six-pointed shape and turns your tongue forest green.

There was one big problem. Whanch and Squoosh didn't know that if you eat too much glink-fruit you will vanish into another world, where things are the opposite, and a tiger-turtle and a ball cannot be friends anymore. The friends had each eaten platinum google pieces of glink-fruit and platinum google is the biggest number there is on planet Scripton.

Suddenly, they poofed into another world. "OOO, what's happening?" they said, stomping their feet. "This is all your fault," they pointed. "We're supposed to go to New York."

To be continued soon by awesome 7-year-olds . . .

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