Thursday, May 24, 2007

Clown dictionaries & Double trampolines!

Here's a sampling of the endings my first-grade students wrote to the story I posted earlier. Do yourself a favor and read them all. Pink rocks, clown dictionaries, and double trampoline time machines for everyone! L&G, E

"Now we are stuck in Yubba!" said Whanch.
"Why are we fighting?" asked Squoosh.
"I do not know. But we ate too much glink food," said Whanch.
The only way to get to New York is to shake hands. So they did. And when they got to New York they lived happily ever after. The end.

"OK, let me think," said Squoosh. "I have an idea. We can walk around and yell for help, and if someone comes along we can ask them for help to get back to where we were."
"Wait," said Whanch. "I have a better idea. We can find some more glink fruit and eat more of it."
"That might work!" said Squoosh. "Let's try it!"
They did and it worked. Then they became friends again. The end.

Whanch saw some magic powder. He picked it up and poured some on him. He was nice again so he poured some on the other and they became friends again. Whanch saw a plane in the sky and yelled to the plane driver. The driver came down and took them to New York. They were happy there.

"OK, Squoosh, I'm just going to play by myself!" While he was playing he made a double trampoline. In the middle of the night Whanch climbed in the other side of the trampoline and formed a time machine. He climbed in and went back to the jungle. In the morning, Squoosh found another time machine and followed him.

Then Whanch gets a clown to get a dictionary to live in a new world. Then Squoosh gets a maid to tell him the best way to live in a funny hairy world. Then Whanch gets a plan to get out of this world and be friends again. Whanch gets Squoosh and they got a pink rock and they put both of their hands on the pink rock. Then Whanch and Squoosh became friends again. Then poooooof they are back on Scripton.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whatever a double trampoline is, I'm pretty sure I would have loved one when I was in elementary school.