Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Battle of TV's Gorgeous Gamblers

The top story on Fametracker today is brand new, courtesy of yours truly. Lust along with me, won't you? Tomorrow, we resume my Quixote-esque quest for Wisconsin. Promise.

TODAY'S QUESTION FOR COMMENTING: Can bad hair ruin a movie? Why or why not? Show your work. (I'll give you one hint, in case you're stuck getting started. Ready? . . . Remember that heinous LION'S MANE on the main dude in the film adaption of Rent a year or two ago? Do you??? ;) - Erin)


Anonymous said...

I love rent the movie and have no idea what the hell you are on about :)

Yvette Fielding has had some scary hair styles in her time mind...

The Traveler said...

I love Rent too, but dude looks like a lion!

Erin :)

johnnylockheart said...

When I think of awful hairstyles, equally bad movies come to mind. Either everyone who's ever starred in a movie I like has had good hair, or I just tend to be much more forgiving toward those who participate in movies I enjoyed.

Anonymous said...

I never saw Rent but he DOES look like a lion! He could be the Cowardly Lion in a remake of the Wizard of Oz with no extra makeup and that exact hairstyle.

Anonymous said...

Every time I see this I think the post is going to be about the gorgeous Riverboat Gamblers. They're not on TV, but they should be! At the very least they should be on the radio. On second thought, they SHOULD be on TV since not only do they rock but they are, in fact, gorgeous.

Erin, I know I don't chime in much but I want you to know how much I enjoy your writing. You inpsire me!

Michael Flavor said...

Another example:

Tom Hanks in The Da Vinci Code... wait, no, that movie kinda sucked to begin with. How about Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump? Shit, same problem...

Anonymous said...

oh yes. i like it. i like it a lot.

Anonymous said...

I vividly remember the Lion Main for the single reason that I saw the movie with you and that was all I remember talking about afterwards.

My thought: Tom Cruise in Magnolia.