Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Call for submissions to Silver Lining!

The response to the Silver Lining announcement has been amazing! Thank you, everyone! (And see yesterday's BIG NEWS post, if you missed it.) Now it's time for you to put that enthusiasm down on paper. Here are the types of stories we still need, all in the 100-750 word range. Short stuff, no sweat! Just pick one (or two):

- book reviews**
- CD reviews**
- live show reviews** ***
- shorts on something bad that happened to you that had a silver lining (these can be funny, serious, or somewhere in between)
- a tale of something bad that happened to you that you think has absolutely NO silver lining (should be short and funny -- or at least not "someone died" because that's obvious and too sad). FYI, this will be the Silver Lining Challenge: if a reader can invent a creative silver lining for that issue's "no silver lining" story, we'll publish it in the next issue.

*Of course, Silver Lining is open to all ideas, we just know it definitely needs these for the first issue. Suggest away, if there's something you really want to contribute.

**The things you review can be as obscure or as mainstream as you want. Preferably it's something you have strong feelings about! :)

***Reviews can be for live shows ANYWHERE. Not just Chicago.

Let us know if anything strikes your fancy and we'll reserve that spot for your byline! These are all short stories, so we'd like you to send them via e-mail by Monday, if possible. (If that's a problem, don't let it deter you. We could sign you up for issue #2.)

Erin (editor/publisher) and the Chicago team

P.S. -- Besides the byline and publishing of your printed work, what's in it for you will be the fun of working on this together and the exposure to book publishers (I'll be sending the zine to everyone who's involved with my book, These Halls Used to be Taller), media (I'll be sending it out to media in Chicago to advertise the launch party at the end of the month), fellow writers, and tons of cool folks who read. Plus lots of other silver linings I can't think of now because I haven't had my coffee yet!


Anonymous said...

OOOOhhh! Me! Can I review Avenue Q!

Anonymous said...

will send you details in a bit! Meanwhile your linkies out of date needs to be for NOT :)

Cheers hon

The Traveler said...

Fixed it! Thanks! Looking forward to the article. :)