Thursday, April 5, 2007

Latest Silver Lining news and call for artist/designer!

So things are taking off with Silver Lining faster than even I expected. One of my favorite authors, Ariel Gore (of Portland, OR), agreed to a Q&A interview and she was AMAZING! Here's how the interview started:

Erin: The Silver Lining zine's theme is making delicious, hilarious, rockin', and generally badass lemonade out of the lemons life inevitably hurls at us. Can you think of a specific silver-lining situation in your past, where you went from feeling downtrodden to feeling triumphant?

Ariel: Well, that's what it's ALL about, isn't it? I mean, you are born! What a fuck over! You get this human existence and you're wailing about it for a few minutes, and then you just have to say, well, all right, looks like I'm going to be here for a while, and the landscape IS strangely beautiful, I guess I might as well see if I can spread some love around.

I mean, can you ask for a better was to kick things off?! :)

Today I'm interviewing the guys in Birdmonster, one of my favorite bands (out of San Francisco), and the guys in The Dollar Store, one of the coolest performance concepts in Chicago. And writers from all over -- even the United Kingdom! -- have signed on to contribute. Damn, this is fun.

Of course, I can do a lot of this as editor/publisher girl. But I CANNOT design a cover. At least not a good one. It just not my thing. So if anyone wants to talk art and design, or already has some bright idea for what the cover of Silver Lining should look like, give me a shout. My only real design requests are that the cover:
- be in black and white
- have spots to tout a few of the stories
- and be fun to decorate -- I'm planning a cover-coloring party so the Chicago team and friends can dress up the first 100 limited editions.

Looking forward to hearing from y'all! Hope everyone is having a lovely week!


Anonymous said...

Link is still for

Avenue Q is a westend musical. You sure you want a review of that? will it fit you theme

The Traveler said...

Reviews don't have to fit the theme, so you can write about anything ya like. The idea of a westend musical being reviewed in a Chicago-based zine is kinda rad to me. But you can pick anything ya like, if you were kidding about Avenue Q on the first mention.

Also, when I click on the link to you it goes to the right place, so I'm confused. Help!

:) Erin

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the link works, but means my google PR doesn't record it atall. it's only a forwarding URL.
If you can change the link to then it's a direct link and my PR can begin to worm it's way up too :)

Anonymous said...

Oh the show is also on broadway, although that doesn't have much to do with Chicago :) Think i'll try to find something a little more relevent.