Friday, April 6, 2007

Silver Lining filling up with fabulousness!

I just announced Silver Lining three days ago, and already the lineup of content for the first issue is blowing my editor/publisher mind! The latest news is that Jessica Crispin -- the Bookslut herself! -- has agreed to contribute. (Keep an eye on for reviews and features by yours truly very soon, by the way.) A Chicago writer will also be contributing a piece about her virgin excursion to South by Southwest in Austin, Texas, last month. I can't wait to read the juicy details! And Austin writer/musician Melissa Bryan of the Shindigs is working up a regular music column for us. Last but not least, I'm also super excited that the debut issue of Silver Lining will include an interview with the one and only Jessica Hopper of Punk Planet, Hit It or Quit It, and the Chicago Reader! Jessica will be interviewed by someone very special, but right now it's a secret, so stay tuned.


P.S. - I hope to see all you Chicagoans THIS WEDNESDAY at my show with the Hidden Mitten. We're rockin' the Subterranean in Wicker Park with the absolutely fabulous Little Red and the Hoods. I can't wait! You simply must come say hi. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hidden Mit is the shiz-nit.